1. We only accept gently used, quality merchandise. We cannot accept items that are soiled, smell of smoke, covered in pet hair, damaged, or outdated.
2. Items are on the floor for 60 days, during this time, they will be priced as such:
a.) Days 1-30......original price
b.) Days 31-60......original price with permanent markdown by 25%
c.) Days 60+......items must be picked up ON the expiration date or Room Swap Consignments will donate the items to a charitable organization or items will be forfeited to Room Swap Consignments.
3. Room Swap Consignments reserves the right to accept coupons and hold sales on items. The discounted price will apply to the final selling price. ______ (initial)
4. Consigners will receive 50% of the final selling price.
5. A minimun $2.00 per item fee or buyer's premium of 5% for items over $50 will be added to the price of each item after determination of the selling price.
6. Payment will be on the 15th of the month, the month after an item sells. Consigners are responsible for picking up their check. We will not call our consignors. ______ (ititial)
7. There is a $1.00 check writing fee assessed on all pay-outs.
8. If a consignor has not picked up his/her check within 6 months of the written date, the check will be void and consignor will forfeit all monies due. ______ (ititial)
9. Room Swap Consignments is NOT responsible for loss from fire, theft, damages, or other casualty.
10. Receipt of this contract and inventory sheet is acceptance of terms above. Consignor's signature is NOT required. Contract is posted in store which servess as acceptance of contract. ______ (ititial)
Thank You for your Business!